部分 & 服务特价
Buy four select tires, get a $70 退税 by mail or earn up to 15,000 福特Pass® 奖励 bonus Points. *
这些名牌上有:固特异, 库珀, 邓洛普, 米其林®, 大陆, Hankook, 普利司通, 费尔斯通, 倍耐力®, 丰雄®, 横滨®, 和日本日东®.
福特Pass 奖励 members also earn 10 Points per $1 spent on 福特 服务.
*仅限经销商安装的零售购买. 每辆车限购一次. 70美元轮胎返利或15美元,000 福特Pass® 奖励 bonus Points on a set of four Goodyear, 库珀, 邓洛普, 米其林®, 大陆, Hankook, 普利司通, 费尔斯通, 倍耐力®, 丰雄®, 横滨®, 和Nitto®轮胎. 中型/商用东洋轮胎除外. 必须参加福特Pass奖励计划吗 to receive 福特Pass 奖励 bonus Points. 积分不可兑换现金或支票. 请参阅福特Pass奖励计划条款和条件 福特Pass奖励.com 浏览有关过期的资料, 救赎, 没收, 福特Pass奖励积分的其他限制. Points will be awarded within eight weeks of 退税 submission. 优惠有效期为4/1/24至6/30/24. 提交 退税 by 7/31/24 by mail-in 退税 form or online at 福特.com/support. Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored 退税/offer. See 服务 Advisor for vehicle applications and offer details. 6/30/24到期.
Military and First Responders - Receive an $80 instant discount with the purchase and installation of four select tires. *
*The 福特 Military and First Responder Tire Discount Program is available to active and retired Military and First Responders who purchase and have installed a set of four (4) qualifying tires. Qualifying customers are eligible to receive a discount of $80 off participating brands at the time of installation. 参与品牌有:固特异、米其林®,百路驰®、大陆、通用、倍耐力®韩泰、普利司通、福尔肯和东洋®. Toyo passenger and light truck tires only; medium/commercial truck tires are not eligible. This discount is in addition to any other eligible discount, 退税, 或提供经销商或轮胎制造商可能已经提供. 轮胎必须安装在参与的美国.S. 福特经销商,林肯零售商,或快车道®. 在进行工作之前,必须事先获得授权, and program-provided Hero Code must be presented at the time of purchase - ID.Me帐户和验证是必需的. Hero Code is nontransferable and can only be used by the associated ID.Me账户持有人. 更多详情可在此查阅: 军人和急救人员轮胎折扣. Maximum of two Hero Codes per calendar year per customer can be generated/claimed. Offer valid for tires purchased and installed 1/1/24 - 12/31/24. 未使用的英雄代码在12/31/24之后失效. 快速车道® 是福特汽车公司的注册商标.
通过邮件获得100美元的回扣或赚取22美元,000 福特Pass® 奖励 bonus Points with the purchase and installation of four 胎压监测传感器. *
*仅限经销商安装的零售购买. 邮寄100美元回扣或22,000福特通® 购买四辆摩托车可获得额外积分® 胎压监测传感器. 以前购买的商品无效. 必须参加福特Pass奖励计划吗 to receive 福特Pass 奖励 bonus Points. 积分不可兑换现金或支票 and have no monetary value. Point earning and 救赎 values are approximate and vary by products and services redeemed. 请参阅福特Pass奖励计划条款和条件 福特Pass奖励.com 浏览有关过期的资料, 救赎, 没收, 福特Pass奖励积分的其他限制. Points will be awarded within eight weeks of 退税 submission. 优惠有效期为4/1/24至6/30/24. 提交 退税 by 7/31/24 by mail-in 退税 form or online at 福特.com/support. 预付借记卡退款. 每位顾客限购一次优惠. See 服务 Advisor for vehicle applications and offer details. 6/30/24到期. 机动艇® 是福特汽车公司的注册商标.
福特皮卡 & 交付
When you need service, let your dealer pick up, service, and return your vehicle. 这是免费的,并在选定的地点提供. *
*福特皮卡 & 交付 is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, 距离, 或其他经销商指定的标准. 不包括零件或修理费用. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event.
Why buy tires anywhere else, when your 福特 Dealer offers all of this:
*仅适用于经销商安装的零售购买. Requires presentation of competitor's current price ad/offer on exact tire sold by dealership within 30 days after purchase. For online quotes, guarantee applies only to new tires sold on retailer websites. Excludes tires sold by third parties on marketplace sites and any resellers. 有关详细信息,请参阅服务 Advisor. 12/31/24到期.
*适用于摩托车® 2014年7月1日之后购买的刹车片. 不可转让的. Replacement requires a copy of the original repair order and completion of any other necessary brake service, 如制动转子服务. 摩托车刹车片必须安装在美国.S. 福特经销商,林肯零售商,或快车道® 所涵盖的技术员. Pads only; labor costs not included. 商用送货车辆, 出租车, 豪华轿车, 邮政, 警察, 牵引卡车, 赛车, 急救车辆也不包括在内. 限制和排除适用. 有关详细信息,请参阅服务 Advisor. 快速车道® 和机动艇® 是福特汽车公司的注册商标吗.
机动艇®测试Tough®PLUS电池,119美元.95建议零售价,或兑换24,000 福特Pass®奖励积分. *
今天就通过下载福特Pass应用加入福特Pass奖励计划. **
*与交换. 税金和安装费. 保修包括 免费 拖拽经销商安装的电池. 必须注册福特Pass吗® 获得福特Pass奖励积分的奖励. 积分不可兑换现金或支票 and have no monetary value. Point earning and 救赎 values are approximate and vary by products and services redeemed. 请参阅福特Pass奖励计划条款和条件 福特Pass奖励.com 浏览有关过期的资料, 救赎, 没收, 福特Pass奖励积分的其他限制. 机动艇® 是福特汽车公司的注册商标. **福特Pass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. 消息和数据速率可能适用. See 服务 Advisor for vehicle applications and limited-warranty details. 6/30/24到期.
机动艇®测试Tough®MAX电池,起价149美元.95建议零售价,或兑换30,000 福特Pass®奖励积分. *
今天就通过下载福特Pass应用加入福特Pass奖励计划. **
*与交换. 税金和安装费. 保修包括 免费 拖拽经销商安装的电池. 必须注册福特Pass吗® 获得福特Pass奖励积分的奖励. 积分不可兑换现金或支票 and have no monetary value. Point earning and 救赎 values are approximate and vary by products and services redeemed. 请参阅福特Pass奖励计划条款和条件 福特Pass奖励.com 浏览有关过期的资料, 救赎, 没收, 福特Pass奖励积分的其他限制. 机动艇® 是福特汽车公司的注册商标. **福特Pass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. 消息和数据速率可能适用. See 服务 Advisor for vehicle applications and limited-warranty details. 6/30/24到期.
Get everyday special financing on vehicle service with the 福特Pass® 奖励签证® card. *
Enjoy 0% Intro APR* for six billing cycles from the date of purchase on 福特经销商购买超过499美元. Earn 11,000 福特Pass 奖励 Points** after your first purchase. After your six billing cycles expire, you have a variable APR of 23.24%-30.24% based on the prime rate, depending on how you meet our credit criteria.
请参阅 信用证条款摘要 for important information on rates, fees, costs, conditions, and limitations. 最低月供要求.
Please note you must pay your entire statement balance (with the exception of purchases made with this promotional rate during its promotional rate period) in full by the payment due date each month to avoid being charged interest on new non-promotional purchases from the date those purchases are made.
特别融资要约详情: Purchases in which single or multiple items are purchased in the same transaction totaling at least $499.00 at 福特 Dealerships will be referred to as “Eligible Purchases” in your 信用证条款摘要. 所有交易均须经批准. 帐户只有在打开时才有资格, 信誉良好, 而且不受特殊条款的约束. 您帐户的所有其他条款仍然有效. 最低月供要求.
*For additional information about Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), fees, and other costs, see the 信用证条款摘要.
**参见福特Pass® 奖励签证® 条款和条件 信用证条款摘要. 积分不可兑换现金或支票. 请参阅 福特Pass 奖励 Program terms and conditions at 福特Pass奖励.com 浏览有关过期的资料, 救赎, 没收, 福特Pass奖励积分的其他限制. 必须参加福特Pass奖励计划吗.
卡由奥马哈第一国民银行(FNBO)发行®),根据Visa美国的许可.S.A.公司. Visa and Visa Signature are registered trademarks of Visa International 服务 Association and used under license.